Tagged: pope

Pope Francis shows his frugal side

Pope Francis is forcing his fellow clergymen to live up to their vows of poverty a bit more this year: According to USA Today, the religious leader decided to forgo the $2,000 bonuses that usually go to Vatican employees after the election of a new pope.

Buying food in bulk can save you money, but make sure it’s not perishable, because you’re never going to be able to store it long enough to eat it. That’s just one of the money sinks in disguise detailed in this list from financial advice site Money Under 30, which also advises readers to stay away from buy-one-get-one deals at restaurants.

Rumors have spread about Apple releasing a cheaper iPhone, and investment site The Motley Fool agrees: Contributor Adam Levine-Weinberg says while the company won’t drop all the way into the low-end smartphone market, it will probably be priced at around $350 to better compete with mid-tier manufacturers like Samsung.